Friday, March 16, 2007

Nope... they didn't induce me...

Well, guess what… I went to see the doctor today… And was told that they won’t do anything till Monday…


I barely made it out of her office without bursting into tears right there.

It’s been such an emotional roller coaster. Going everywhere with the hospital bag… Expecting something any minute… And still nothing…

I don’t even know what to write, cause I’m a mental/emotional mess. For some reason I really thought this kid would come early, like his brother. Instead he’s a week late already.

I know it’s not the end of the world. I just wasn’t planning on it. And I didn’t even get enough anti-nausea drugs to last that long. And didn’t bulk up on the required patience…

So here I am. On my tenth month. Still puking my brains out every morning. And sometimes afternoon. And sometimes night.

And yes, I’m still here.

And I can’t believe it either…

I must be one heck of a comfortable residence…

Posted by vasilisa @ 5:36 p.m.

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Wow! I guess every ounce of your patience is being tried. Best of luck!

Posted by Blogger Lisa Johnson @ 7:33 p.m. #

So sorry. I can't believe they won't induce you today. Why would they tell you they would induce you today and then move you to Monday? What's the deal with that?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:38 p.m. #

daddy forever: I have no idea. The doctor acted like she never even mentioned anything last week. I'm beginning to think that I'm prone to hallucinations...

Posted by Blogger vasilisa @ 12:44 a.m. #

oh my! a friend of mine is waiting for his second child too at the moment. they where supposed to have their brand new kiddo by 9 march. but it turnes out they had the due date calculated wrong in the first place ... so hand in there, i is going to be over soon :D

Posted by Blogger tschoerda @ 3:38 a.m. #

hand in there?!?!? what am i writing?

i was supposed to type "hang in there"!

so don't HAND, but HANG in there, vasilisa!!! *lol*

Posted by Blogger tschoerda @ 3:41 a.m. #

It's almost over,hold on sweetie!!10th month and they still don't induce labor!Little weird to me.Good luck,hope everything goes smoothly and you have bouncy baby!:))

Posted by Blogger FH @ 4:42 p.m. #

I swear it will not go on forever! I was overdue with three of my 6 children, over 15 days with my 2nd!! They could have pulled that child out through my nose for all I cared by that time!

Unless something is wrong, a baby will come when it is ready, just like a ripe fruit. When my Katie was finally born, she was 9 lbs 11 ounces, and when you ran your hand across her scalp you could feel the little layer of fat underneath.

It will all be worth it, and you know, you will forget all about this when they put that baby in your arms (otherwise the world would be full of only children!)

Posted by Blogger Deborah Dowd @ 3:59 p.m. #

that friend of mine just had his second daughter ... and compared to the 53 hours of labour with their first baby the second one was sort of in a hurry: although she was 11 days too late she was there in only 17 minutes.

seventeen minutes !!!
natural birth and everything.

so how is it going with you?
how are you doing?
any brandnew babies yet?

Posted by Blogger tschoerda @ 6:28 a.m. #

Hang in there -- it's got to happen soon!

Posted by Blogger PunditMom @ 6:52 p.m. #

Good luck my dear....hope all goes well this week.


Posted by Blogger TNL @ 12:17 p.m. #
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I'm a 29 year old mom of two! A toddler (kiddo one) and a new baby (kiddo junior). I am also the most horrible (as in I barely ever do it) cook that I have met in my life. This blog is a diary of my attempts to feed my hungry growing family

PS: My name is not actually Vasilisa... But I find that honest reporting comes easier when there is a shred of anonymity. (Apparently, posting pics of my sons doesn't count...)

PPS: For those of you wondering where on the planet I am: I'm cosily tacked away in the Torontonian suburbia of the Great White North (Canada).

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