Friday, February 09, 2007

My little snowman…

One of the differences between me and my husband, is that I was born in a place where winter meant tons of snow and freezing temperatures, while he never even saw snow till he was in his teens… Which means our views of normal weather are almost diametrically opposing. While he’s at an absolute loss on how to cope with freezing temperatures, and often thinks that sweater is a jacket, I find myself completely helpless and melting in the summer heat waves… which hardly bother him at all… (or at least he says so…)

But this also means that he associates snow and even slightly negative temperatures outside with the end of the world. And the idea that going outside can be fun is pure heresy, cause what we really should do is lock ourselves in the house and hibernate…

Which is what have been doing so far…

And thus my kid has never actually being outside this winter, unless you count quickly shuffling him from the car into some building. He didn’t even have appropriate clothes…

But yesterday, I finally thought enough! My son is not going to be locked up inside any longer! So I took charge and bought the kid proper winter boots, waterproof gloves, and a scarf. The winter jacket and pants set where provided by my mother in law months ago, we just never had the chance to test it. But this morning I wrapped up my bundle of joy like a proper snow man and took him to the backyard… For the first time the kid got to actually find out what “snow” is all about. Cause up until then he’d only enjoyed the view through the window…

His reaction was priceless… Have you heard stories of all those kids that play in the mud, sand and snow, get all messed and don’t even notice it? Not my kiddo. As soon as he saw snow on his new precious boots, he screamed “oh, no!” in alarm and pointed at “dirty”. It took me quite some time of frantic snow plowing to convince him that it is not “dirty”, and kicking it around is the whole point.

But he is my son. And icy-cold genes are not that easy to ignore. Very soon he was plumped in the middle of a snow heap, happy beyond belief, and not interested in the slightest at the prospect of going back in the house.

And you know what? He got fresh air… He got exercise… He had fun…

And then he actually ate an apple when we got inside!

For a change, I feel like a proper mother…

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Posted by vasilisa @ 9:50 p.m.

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He looks so cute in his snow clothes! Looks like he had a great time.

I love playing in the snow. We couldn't wait for enough to fall so we could do some sled riding, which we did on garbage can lids because the sled we had was not great. Since we went and bought a sled, we haven't had enough snow to sled on. And it has been below zero temperatures here for about a week.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 9:43 a.m. #

It rarely snows here so when it does, out the kids go. They love it. But now, the temperature is back to the 50's. I bet your kiddo can't wait to play in the snow again.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:27 a.m. #

AWWWWW...great pics...looks like the lil one is having a great time!


Posted by Blogger Harmonia @ 9:46 p.m. #

Now we are talking!! That's a lot of snow and he is having a blast!Good for him.Great pictures!:))

Posted by Blogger FH @ 3:47 p.m. #

Oh such cute pictures! I used to love playing in the snow when I was a kid. I built snowmen and made snow angels, had snow ball fights.

Those snow days off from school were the best. This reminds me of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup! Mmmmm good!

Posted by Blogger Lisa Johnson @ 7:26 p.m. #
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I'm a 29 year old mom of two! A toddler (kiddo one) and a new baby (kiddo junior). I am also the most horrible (as in I barely ever do it) cook that I have met in my life. This blog is a diary of my attempts to feed my hungry growing family

PS: My name is not actually Vasilisa... But I find that honest reporting comes easier when there is a shred of anonymity. (Apparently, posting pics of my sons doesn't count...)

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